****If you do not get approved, they will give you a phone number to call, CALL THAT NUMBER! Typically, it is a minor typing error or they just need to grab an extra piece of info from you.****
Unfortunately our payment plan through Progressive Leasing is not able to be completed directly through the cart at checkout. Once you get approved, just give us a call and let us know you were approved for our payment plan, we just need to confirm your order and click a few buttons on our side! It only takes a couple of minutes, and then your product will be packed and on the way to you ASAP!
If you need more than you are approved for, we can typically get your approval increased as well, just ask us!
Our store phone number is (702) 451-7000, that is our physical Brick and Mortar location called Best Deal in Town, so don't be alarmed if we answer the phone that way :) We always follow up within 72 hours of approvals as well, talk soon!
DISCLOSURE NEEDED: 90-Day Purchase Option: Standard agreement offers 12
months to ownership. 90-day purchase options cost more than the retailer’s
cash price (except 3-month option in CA). To purchase early call